In English

By commercial advertisement supplement we mean when a manufacturer advertises himself or his business. Among non-commercial advertisements we can mention for example political trends of opinion or notifications from governmental departments.

Since the legally responsible publisher of the paper is utterly the one who approves the introduction of the advertisement, it is essential that any planned advertisement supplements are approved by some sort of outline/“dummy” in good time before printing and distribution. The reader must at a quick glance be able to distinguish the supplement from the editorial. Note that the editorial supplements may not hold a separate publisher, because the publisher of the newspaper is also responsible for the supplements.

A supplement can be fitted with an easily visible border across the top of each page

ANNONSBILAGA Hela denna bilaga är en annons från XX ANNONSBILAGA
The border is tailored to the size of the printed matter.

Width Height Text
300mm-397mm 8mm 14p
150mm-299mm 6mm 12p
000mm-149mm 5mm 10p
The frame is set with 0,5 mm line. The text is set with Helvetica. In case of print fallout, the border can be copied in with positive or negative text. To avoid misunderstandings, always send a dummy for reviewing.

Mediekompaniet disclaims all responsibility for printed matter which does not follow the rules for advertisement supplement for the city newspapers.

It is also a benefit if the supplement differs in colour, choice of fonts and paper quality from the main paper.


Below instructions and demands applies to all papers that are part of Mediekompaniet’s cooperation agreement, if no other agreements are set.

Mediekompaniet needs the name and phone number for the responsible contact at the printer

In some cases the newspaper will want samples, send 5-10 proof copies of the supplement to given address for the paper

Time of delivery
The printed matter shall be made available to the particular provincial newspaper 5 workdays before the date of distribution/insertion. For city papers delivery 3 workdays prior to distribution/insertion is standard. If delivered more than 5 days prior, a rental fee for warehouse/stock may be added. Please report any late deliveries or deviations to Mediekompaniet.

Deviation from instructions
For the product insertion to function well it is imperative that these instructions are followed thoroughly. If the product for some reason is unable to be delivered according to these instructions, contact shall immediately be established with Mediekompaniet to approve of any deviations. Such deviations may be cause for extra costs that occur at the time of insertion and these will be debited to the client.

Requirements of packing is that the product without preparation is ready for treatment by, for example, insertion by machine.This involves the following:• Products for insertion shall be delivered in bundles on EURO-pallets. The bundles shall not be wrapped in plastic film or paper.• The sections in each bundle should be easy to grasp, approximately 10 cm in height. Each section should contain the same numberof copies and be in alignment.• Products for insertion that cannot be bundled on pallets may be delivered in cartons. The cartons stacked on pallets and properly marked.• Products that have not been properly aired out and dried, but that rather stick together by either printing ink, glue or other substancecannot be handled.• Product information should be enclosed with all printed matter that is made available to Mediekompaniet. I.e. information about the printedmatter, colouring, environmental grading etc.


  1. Use standard EURO-pallets measuring 1200 mm – 800 mm
  2. Put a piece of cardboard on the pallet protecting the bottommost layer of bundles
  3. Bundles may not be placed outside the edges of the pallet
  4. The weight of the pallet may not exceed 500 kg
  5. The pallet is to be wrapped in plastic film. Avoid heavily shrinking wrapping as it tends to give the product “dog ears”
  6. The top of the pallet is to be set with a wooden lid with the same measurements as the pallet
  7. The pallet is cross bound with metal or plastic bands
  8. The pallets may not be stacked on top of each other upon delivery

Each pallet
– is fit with a delivery note (see below) plus one copy of the product well visible on the outside of the pallet.Delivery note – The delivery note shall contain the following information:
• Product name
• Name and address of sender and recipient
• Name of client
• Newspaper/edition in which the product is to be inserted
• Total quantity in edition
• Date of publication
• Number of pallets
• Number of copies in each bundle
• Number of copies on each pallet (only info that is pallet specific)

Trucks etc. which are to transport the product must be fitted with back fork-lift and pallet-lift.

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